Through the Window of my Soul
by Mike Dial
This sharing come in two parts. It’s a little long but they are related.
The first part is about a miracle healing and confirmation in the form of a miracle image on a cloth that would seem to appear according to the viewer’s faith and belief. The second part is about a dream of Jesus that happened after the healing part and comprise a mission.
I. It happened in 1994. My wife, Bella was having pain in her stomach which was getting worse. It got to the point that she was having difficulty driving or climbing steps. She was vomiting already. The pain finally convinced her to see a doctor at the Travis hospital in Fairfield, California.
After the checkup, the doctor was upset why she waited so long to be seen. The polyps inside her looked like the result of ovarian cancer that has spread already. The prognosis was not good. They took biopsy and we waited several days.
At home we held our usual nightly family prayer. Bella said hers loud. “Lord, you took away my parents while I was still young. Are you also going to take me away while I still have my little one? I would like to see my Marco grow up and be there for him.” I glanced at a few tears flowing on her face when she added, “but not as I would have it, but Your [Will] be done.”
The next day, the doctor called and wanted to see her to relay the test results. We drove to the hospital at Fairfield, California, which was fifty miles away. We were running late; I dropped her at the front entrance so I could park. I was supposed to meet her at the hospital chapel after her appointment with the doctor.
I went straight to the chapel after parking the car and was surprised that she was there already. Nobody else was around, so I asked her if she was seen by the doctor already. She nodded her yes while intently looking at the altar. Without moving her head, she motioned for me to come closer to her. Then in an almost hushed voice she said, “Look at the altar and tell me what you see.”
I slowly turned my head and the surprise pushed me back a few steps by what I saw. It was like a bright spotlight shining at the center of the altar cloth and the face of Jesus was illuminated in the middle. I looked on top of the chapel but there was no spotlight and all the lights were dim. I realized then that something special was happening.
I told her to wait as I rushed out of the building to get my camera, which happened to have a black and white film. I took several pictures.
On our way out of the hospital she told me what the surprised doctor said….“No cancer.”
We drove home jubilant from the hospital, with countless thank you prayers to God.
II. Now the dream part. [for discernment]
After one evening, I was awakened at night because my wife was talking and crying in her dream. I just could not wake her up. I knew it was one of those special moments, so I left her alone. In the morning she told me about her dream:
She was walking on a road that led to a rundown church. It was closed, so she looked through the window. Inside the church, she saw Jesus in tears. “Oh my Lord,” she said, “why are You crying?” Jesus, Who was dressed like the Sacred Heart image, bent down and started to write something on a small piece of paper. Jesus then handed the paper to her. Bella looked at the paper and saw a word written on it.
In an instant, she seemed to have been transported to a place where babies were being viciously aborted from their mother’s womb. She could hear the frantic cry from the babies who were so helpless. These babies were supposed to be protected in the safest place that they could be and yet they were being ripped apart. How can a mother allow this to happen to their child? There was blood all over. The sight and sound of violence was evident and echoed all around.
Then she found herself in front of Jesus again Who was about to write another message.
She was transported to a place where the poor are treated worse than animals. “Are we not created in the image and likeness of God,” she thought. “These people have no possession except the ragged clothes they wear, and their children go hungry for days…yet, the more abject their appearance, the more they are shunned by society. Nobody wants to help them or get involved.”
Bella was crying and with her heart pounding, found herself in front of Jesus. He wrote another word and gave her the small paper.
After reading it, she suddenly found herself surrounded by people who were in jail because of false accusations. There were those who had to suffer insults and maltreatment because of the way they look or the color of their skin. How can these people be treated so unfairly, she thought?
Bella then found herself in front of Jesus again as the previous experience faded. Jesus wrote another word and gave it to her.
She saw around her all classes of people taking advantage of the less fortunate, the ignorant, and the weak. Those in higher office are using their position to their advantage and many who are rich want to accumulate more without thinking of sharing what they already have.
The scene disappeared and Jesus handed her another message.
She was perplexed at first what that meant. Then she found herself around people who had lost their respect and values for what is right and holy. Many are desecrating the Eucharist without even knowing it. Elders are no longer respected as they once were.
As the previous event was fading from her, Jesus once again wrote a word for her to read and experience.
She understood why Our Lady at Fatima said that more people go to hell because of the sins of the flesh. Many are overcome by sexual sins because of lack of prayer and sacrifice. Bella saw many broken families and relationships, as a result of lustful thoughts and actions. She found herself in the midst of these people who do not realize sin for what it is and are only hurting themselves and others, and gravely offending God.
Jesus who was still in tears wrote and gave Bella the last word.
She was made to experience all sorts of violence from the military to tribal wars of different ethnic groups, to domestic problems within the family. It is as if a movie became alive as she was transported into it with muggers, murderers and rapists in front of her while they were committing their heinous acts.
At the end of Bella’s intimate conversation with Jesus, she said to Him, “My Lord, if I tell anyone of my experience, nobody will believe.” Jesus answered, “Don’t worry about them. It’s about you. What are you willing to do?” She then woke up.
Concerning the altar cloth image of Jesus, I have reproduced it on a postcard-sized picture many times and shared it around. Some do not see anything no matter how they stare at it.
Some have been moved to conversion and healing.
One person told us he was going back to church as a result.
Another person insisted that the Holy Face of Jesus was embroidered in the middle of the altar cloth.
One pious lady said “Clearly, Jesus is holding a chalice with his left hand (on our right side), and with His right Hand, Jesus holds the Eucharist above the chalice. Moreover, I see the right arm of Jesus stretched across the beam of the Cross. It is so obvious.”
One day, my wife showed the picture to a lady from church and asked her if she saw anything.
No matter how long she stared, nothing came up.
Suddenly, her five-year old daughter said “I see a bird.” Nobody had come up with that before, so we asked the girl to trace the bird for us.
Sure enough, it was like a dove in flight. It was so obvious that we wondered how we and others who have viewed the picture before could have missed it.
My brother in law from San Francisco was excited to see Pope John Paul II in the altar cloth picture, but for my part I clearly see Our Mother Mary.
Can you see anything at all?
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[resources: Christmas books]