Dear Friends and Family,
Recently I have been looking into reasons for cognitive decline and what specifically causes this tragedy now becoming so prevalent in our society and many others. In doing this research what has appealed to me most are the professionals, those brain specialist doctors and researchers, who are dedicated to finding root causes of dementia and other neurological decline and who reject the pharmaceutical approach of palliative care, which offers no insight into prevention nor hope for recovery.
It seems quite reasonable given the newest research and the empirical evidence of our society’s cultural preferences, that we are likely in the beginning stages of a tidal wave of dementia and neurodegenerative decline. Those professionals warning of this have their well thought out reasons and I agree with their conclusions, so the reason for this letter to you – just passing along the valuable warning.
Neurodegeneration, generally given wide latitude of description, is not something to scoff at or if concerned, lose all hope for some or total recovery from. As the research cited by these few medical mavericks, the statistics are concluding that we have a major sugar and high carb diet-induced problem at hand – for every age bracket. Reasonable conclusions gleaned from up-to-date statistics and clinical work are pointing out firm consistencies that should not be ignored, in regard to the connection between chronic higher blood sugar levels, gut dysbiosis and the subsequent brain degeneration. As an example, a person who is diabetic (a lot of folks) or even a pre-diabetic (probably a majority of Americans) are at much higher risk for neurodegeneration than those who average a more normal blood sugar level. So too, they are finding that people who struggle with a condition called “leaky gut syndrome” (a type of gut dysbiosis) are of statistical significance in these comparisons.
The unseen monster in the room is “inflammation”.
If there is a bottom line in this equation, it would be that the SILENT prevalence of inflammation daily affecting the brain is generally unnoticed due to the nature of the brain, but the significance of this stealth inflammation cannot be discounted if we wish to have our whit intact come the mid and later years. So the question is asked: How can we identify a problem if it is not generally seen? Getting back to the chronic higher blood sugar level problem and the resulting inflammation, usually we can see the fallout of high glucose levels manifesting in the body by way of varying signs and signals. The researchers claim this very same fire (oxidative stress) of inflammation in the body is also going on in the brain, but we generally can’t perceive it. If there are symptoms, like depression, moodiness, forgetfulness, ADD, bipolar, etc. usually par for the course is a prescription to lessen the symptoms, but of course this does nothing to address root causes, it just kicks the can further down the road only to face the fact that a more potent drug(s) will be later required.
We can’t rule out increasing electro-magnetic frequencies, other outside physical and emotional stressors, heavy metals, non-foods like GMOs and chemical copycats, chemical toxins of every stripe (even prescription drugs) and to some degree genetics, but above all it appears that diet related causes are pivotal in whether or not one falls to cognitive decline. Because symptoms can be lessened and even be reversed in many supervised cases, it is quite conclusive that correcting the root causes of consuming degenerative foods and practicing unhealthy eating habits, along with taking serious steps in healing a damaged gut can give a person a renewed life of wellness, and for those not yet hit with symptoms, a reasonable chance of never losing their mental health.
From the local library I was able to obtain a couple books of recent publishing, which I confidently recommend as very worthy reading. Dr. David Perlmutter and Dr. Dale Bredesen are two of the brain specialists MDs giving warning to us of the ravages of unseen chronic inflammation of the brain. Dr. Perlmutter’s “The Brain Maker” and Dr. Bredesen’s “The End of Alzheimers” are two books I found quite helpful and hopeful. The valuable takeaway from both could be summed up by the firm warning to shun sugary and starchy diets for a more fat-based diet to avoid the modern diseases and conditions afflicting far and wide, especially neurodegeneration. There is much more than this to learn, including potential remedy, so give it some thought as a next read.
Now onto another topic, which fits into the above subject, consider the information found on the Weston A. Price Foundation website ( ); what is provided I feel is a great blessing to humanity, as they explore and teach of traditional diets of healthy populations of the past.
And onto the last, but similar topic. I have recently come across a unique organization and movement which has to do with educating the public how to avoid making deserts of our farmlands and how to restore grasslands fading into desert conditions. It may sound like a niche subject for the few and the interested, but it is not! The food consumer is intimately tied into this, and one could make the claim the consumer is ultimately responsible in the crucial matter of creating deserts of our farmlands. Desert-making practices have been afflicting global farmland, in an accelerated manner for many, many decades, consequently we are in deepening trouble as time passes, but very few know of this reality. The consumer has immense power to change the destructive (but presently lucrative) modern farming paradigm, to one of greater preservation and promise. There are four videos on this webpage which may interest you, please see:
Take care and seek wellness through knowledge and action, not another doctor visit and prescription.
P.S. In the Dr. Bredesen book, “The End of Alzheimers” there is listed this website:
Also I would like to pass along a short video clip of wisdom, which dovetails into the thinking of the grassland preservation organization above, start at the 14 minute mark: