We’re happy to announce a retreat in Canada for Saturday, May 20, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.: a Marian Day held in conjunction with the Ave Maria Centre of Toronto, with Mass and talk through the day by Michael H. Brown.
The retreat, approved by the Archdiocese of Toronto, will be held at the Canada Christian College, 50 Gervis Drive, Toronto.
Special attention will be paid to the hundredth anniversary of Fatima as well as other supernatural events and messages from around the world.
There will also be discussions about spiritual warfare, the Catholic roots of North America (you read that right), signs of the times, deliverance, the afterlife, family healing, and more — in short, discussions of the the most important spiritual categories we as Christians — as Catholics — need, especially in these intense times.
Admission ($20 if purchased in advance, $25 at door) can be purchased here
or through the Ave Maria Centre (800-663-MARY or 416-251-4245)
[Directions: TTC: From Eglinton E. Subway #100 Flemingdon Park South bus to Wynford and Gervais From Broadview Subway #100 Flemingdon Park North bus to Wynford and Gervais From Pape Subway #25 Don Mills North bus to Wynford Dr. From Don Mills Subway #25 Don Mills North bus going South to Wynford Dr. Don Valley Parkway Eglinton Ave. East Don Mills Rd. FREE PARKING
“Put on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Eph. 6:11)
Best-selling Catholic author and journalist.
Founder of www.SpiritDaily.com
Nominated for three Pulitzer Prizes for his work. exposing the ‘Love Canal’ toxic crisis in the 1970s.
Has spoken or appeared on media in more than 400 cities and towns in America and has traveled abroad extensively.
Has written almost 20 books on spiritual topics since experiencing a dramatic return to his Catholic faith in the 1980s.
“I love SpiritDaily.com and look at it every morning while drinking a cup of coffee. I’m always amazed at how Michael Brown is able to collect such interesting stories and post them every single day.” − Fr. Donald Calloway, Vocation Director, Marians of the Immaculate Conception “Michael Brown is well worth listening to. I follow his website most days and he always has some excellent, current and useful revelations to consider…Given all that is happening in the world today, I think anyone who attends his talks would benefit greatly from his insights and spiritual advice.” − Steve Jalsevac, Managing Director, LifeSiteNews