Southwest Mysteries (And Prophecies)
(copyright, not for reproduction, except privately)
By Michael H. Brown
I tackle a wide range of topics here, from strange places to science to politics, and sometimes a combination.
That's the case this month.
Originally, I was going to focus solely on the fascinating mystical hot spots in America’s Southwest, which I recently visited. And still will hold them at the center of this report. "The Land of Enchantment," they call it (at least in the case of New Mexico). There are massive burial grounds. There are the bizarre events reported in certain places (especially along a highway once designated as Route 666). There are strange lights over places like Phoenix -- witnessed by thousands, including baffled public officials who have been left speechless.
The "enchantment" includes seers and prophecy. I have dedicated a number of “special reports” of late to prophecy. I had no intention of doing so this time. But once more events overtake us. There are the floods, which are growing -- as drought does also. There are bizarre manifestations cropping up everywhere -- in a way that to my eye is unprecedented, particularly in the Southwest -- a front in the pitched spiritual war!
And so we’ll look at both in this "special report": the link between unusual mystical locales and the prophetic realm — for a link there is: not just "enchanting" but, at some turns… also chilling.
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[Full "special reports" and commentaries on current events, signs of the times, spiritual warfare, prophecy and other subjects by Michael H. Brown are available for a nominal subscription. Access is for a year, at one dollar per month. One such report, on occasion more, will be issued each month. Once signed up, it is a one-click process to access these copyrighted articles. Thank you for your support. These are "special" reports. Articles free of charge will continue to be carried. Each special report will include two or three previous ones.]
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