(copyright, not for reproduction, except privately)
By Michael H. Brown
We hear a lot about the threat of high-tech. And it's certainly here.
Mainly, it's presented to us in the way of Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and Google collecting too much private information from us (and sharing it). Or, simply monopolizing it: holding us virtually hostage to their updates and technology.
This we know. And it is a major threat. When Big Brother comes -- as I have previously warned -- he will be well-versed technologially. He will be more a personage of influence than of direct power. He may even be alive. I'll get into a bit of that in a moment -- how an "anti-christ" may well (and is prophesied to) arrive.
But there is more -- much more. Let me ring the alarm here about robots and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). You may be as surprised as I was at how quickly it is advancing (really, breathtaking) -- and how it could reconfigure the very concepts of life. Also, how it could swiftly control humans.
It's what this "special report" is about: The actual and growing possibility of tech tyranny. It's not dark paranoia.
A tech apocalypse:
Are we hurtling to a time when computers and robots, when A.I., take control of this planet?
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[Full "special reports" and commentaries on current events, signs of the times, spiritual warfare, prophecy and other subjects by Michael H. Brown are available for a nominal subscription. Access is for a year, at one dollar per month. One such report, on occasion more, will be issued each month. Once signed up, it is a one-click process to access these copyrighted articles. Thank you for your support. These are "special" reports. Articles free of charge will continue to be carried. Each special report will include two or three previous ones.]
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