Just before Holy Week, a report came that a holy icon of “John the Forerunner” was exuding a fragrant substance identified by church clerics (this an Orthodox church, in Homer Glen, Illinois) as “myrrh.”
It was interesting on several counts, for your deliberation.
First, it was nearly automatically accepted by the local diocesan chief, Metropolitan Lakovos of Chicago and the chancellor, Demetrious of Mokissos, who told the church priest overseeing it, Father Sotirios Dimitriou, that the fragrant trickles of what is actually an unknown substance, since July, was “a blessing to the community.” Such a quick embrace is common in Orthodox settings and rare in Catholicism.
Second, that title of the icon: “John the Forerunner.” It speaks for itself. He paves the way for Christ.
And lastly, at least for now: the interesting interpretation, apparently by Father Sotirios, or at least the website reporting it, that the substance is “myrrh,” or like myrrh.
As one can find on the internet: “The Hebrew word for myrrh is Mowr which means ‘distilled,’ and comes from the root word Marar which means ‘bitterness.’ During the Messiah’s final agonizing hours in the Garden of Gethsemane, the weight of the world’s sins crushed our Savior like a wine press, causing Him to sweat great tears of blood.
“His bitter sufferings can be compared to myrrh, a highly-prized spice used for perfumes and incense, extracted by piercing the tree’s heartwood and allowing the gum to trickle out and harden into bitter, aromatic red droplets called ‘tears.’ When the myrrh flows from the tree, it is distilled in bitterness.”
A Holy Thursday contemplation.
[Resources: Exploring the Miraculous and The God of Miracles]
[also noted: Retreat, Michael Brown in St-Louis-southern-Illinois, April 23 and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, May 21]
Guadalupe Pilgrimage September 8-13, 2016
[San Francisco Retreat ] October 29, 2016
I noticed in the Garden of Olives ( stated in the Dolorous of Our Lord Jesus Christ-by Blessed Ann Catherine Emmerick) that this garden is also called the Garden of the Oil Press. This is where Christ Our Lord first experienced physical pain in his body; the sweating of blood . Much of the emotional pain took place in the same place -being scorned by Lucifer in the grotto.of the garden. Facing Ananius and Caiaphas was secondary to what Christ faced in the Garden of Olives emotionally !
I’ll never understand why an exhaustive investigation is not performed on events such as this. The results of such an investigation could mean the revision to many peoples perception of reality. We are talking about the most important question that mankind has – definitive evidence that there is something inexplicable and supernatural in this world.
I heartily agree with you. Too often we speculate the miraculous into non-existence, or some phenomenon certainly explainable by our scientists. It’s the typical course of the skeptical secularization of our faith we face today. While honest investigations should be pursued to prevent scandal, or heretical conclusions to be drawn, certain instances such as this can re-vitalize one’s faith when all other possibilities are excluded and the obvious results point to the possibility of Divine origins.
Nothing is impossible with GOD
This is great sign for the world to hear God to repent and repent. The entire world goes into the wrong direction. The whole world is secularized, and practiced idolatry, promiscuity and distanced itself from God.
Many people run to see these miracles but after they see they get back to their sinful life.
Saint John the Baptist pray for all our bishops and priests to proclaim without fear the teaching of Our Lord as the only true God and Messiah.
Fr. Manuel
My husband asks me to remember the Monks of Blanco (Texas) and their fake weeping Mother Mary…which also was Orthodox. We had even visited it…I would love to believe this is real…
I believe truly is there any way you can put some on cotton for me and send me the cotton will be forever gratefull I am roman catholic belong to st. michaels church Cedarville n.j. my address anna black 953 ramah rd n,j,08332 if not I understand God blessed all of you anna
I actually live in Homer Glen and this church is a few blocks from my home, it is named Assumption Greek Orthodox Church. I am Roman Catholic, so I am not sure if I can just walk right into the church. I am hoping to call and see if I can find out what I need to do to see the Icon. We also have a Byzantine Catholic Church in Homer Glen. A friend who belongs to this church did tell me their priests said the Orthodox priests at Assumption are very nice, so I am hoping there will not be a problem to witness this miracle.