Untold Story:
By Michael H. Brown
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Recently we journeyed to a spot in central Florida where, I have to say, there's an unusually oppressive atmosphere. It's the old town of Micanopy. We stayed nearby, in a small cabin near the home of famed writer Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (of The Yearling fame).
In Micanopy — which certainly has tranquil, nice, even beautiful features (and nice people) — I felt a dark, tense energy and, intriguing as its antique shops are, one has to be cautious: As you have heard me say many times, spirits can cling to certain objects.
But it wasn't just all the dusty antiques. In my opinion, at least some of the feeling emanated from the simple fact that Micanopy — named for an old, warring Seminole Indian chieftain — was the site of a battle between Europeans and Native Americans. Battles and killings — blood-letting, as you know from previous reports — can be very problematic spiritually!
In Micanopy (and this is the most relevant point for our discussion) is also an old Indian burial mound. Reports of spiritual activity around such internments are legion.
If oppressed by any such thing, Micanopy is hardly alone.
Across America are countless places where Native American rituals, including at burial sites, indeed have left a sometimes bizarre spiritual residue. This can occur with any place of the dead — and with any ethnic group. Indians are hardly alone!
But when there have been pagan rituals? And when they stretch across a continent? Are there even entire communities, perhaps cities, that suffer from what's buried there or has been ritualized?
Now factor this in: while we’ve all heard about Indian burial mounds, there are other forms of burial that may have dispersed Indian remains far more extensively, perhaps even in the area where you live.
Graveyards are always interesting spiritually — whether Indian or any ethnic group. But did a particular fashion of Indian burial — one you probably have never heard of — make it yet more interesting? (Oh, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha! Your life and death: may they purify all land!)
It’s the subject of this “special report”: the “residue” of Indian burial practices — and how they may well be the unseen cause of happenings that continue in many places, causing problems, alleged supernatural phenomena, and mysteries, even misfortune, to this day..
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