By Michael H. Brown
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(copyright; not to be reproduced)
an invasion. It has nothing to do with foreign countries. It isn't a
clandestine Russian operation; it doesn't involve China (though one day it
may); nor am I speaking of immigration.
I'm talking about a spiritual incursion -- really, more than that; in a way I haven't quite reported before -- and it brings to mind any number of Catholic prophecies, from convents of more than a century ago to current-day "prophets" (and apparition sites).
Here's one (a locutionist named Lorena, supposedly from the Archangel Gabriel, for especially cautious discernment):
"There will be major battles over the opening of 'stargates' throughout the earth. Such stargates connect the earth to outer reaches of the universe and other dark dimensions — all of them closed at the time of the Flood of Noah. However, throughout the centuries, a few of these stargates have been opened due to occult means. This agenda of hell will then accelerate under the reign of the antichrist, as he will attempt to open all the stargates up on the earth. The antichrist will try to achieve this, by amassing demonic power through the black mass, which will be accepted and celebrated. Then, finally, the opening of many stargates on earth will culminate in the great Battle of Armageddon, taking place on the plains of Israel between all the forces of Good and evil."
Far out?
your discernment, it reminds me of Pope Leo XIII's famous vision or
locution in 1884 of the devil granted a period of extended power to test the
Church (and implicitly, mankind).
It also brings to mind what Our Lady warned at LaSalette years before even that ("Lucifer together with a large number of demons will be unloosed from hell"), and also a letter from the parish to Pope John Paul II in the early days of Medjugorje, informing him of the apparitions, telling him that there were "secrets," and warning that Satan was now exercising enhanced power.
It no longer takes a mystic to see it, the transgender madness, the vandalism of statues and churches, the descent of politics into hate, disorder, the pervasive profanity, the crime, the manipulation of human embryos, the abortions, the pornography and human trafficking, the occultism and on and on...
But largely absent from such a list is the supernatural infiltration in our time of strangeness that seems to pour forth through tears and "rents" or breaches, through holes (call them "stargates," if you desire), in our earthly dimension.
There is a proliferation. The "holes" are gaping wider. They are becoming more intense. You need to know that.
And so this we will take a look at in this new "Special Report": the idea of spiritual doorways at particular places and in our own lives and homes through which bizarre manifestations are now visibly -- and often, it seems, threateningly -- displaying themselves.
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