By Michael H. Brown
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We all know we're in different times. A curtain is rising. We're beginning to see what is on the stage -- just beginning. So much transpiring! War. Illness. Economic gyrations. The drama -- soon -- of consecration. In Moscow, a famous icon known for miracles when there are tragic times reportedly is weeping blood -- at a cathedral built for Russia's military.
What's next? How will the current war and the
still-lingering pandemic and the world's economies and the weather and
geophysics and astronomy act (or react) in the near future?
Questions indeed -- ones addressed, it seems, by a new "seer" on the scene, one who perhaps grants us a look backstage and seems to tie in with what mystics of previous decades warned about -- now with more immediacy.
She's from Europe. She's a mother and housewife, I'm told. She functions chiefly from a local parish, with what seems like a nod from the local diocese -- a simple woman who lives on her parents' farm in a small German town and has very sobering messages, ones with direct bearing on what we see occurring in the world around us.
In discussing her with a scholar who also serves as her chronicler and translator, I have come to learn that she has been having experiences since the year 2000. But now they are resonating loudly.
Saints and angels appear to her. So -- allegedly -- do Mary and Jesus.
name is Manuela Strack, and her experiences have warranted mention on the
Wikipedia page dedicated to the town. More importantly, she once met with
Cardinal Josef Ratzinger -- after handing some of those messages -- secret
ones -- to Pope
John Paul II.
If that isn't intriguing enough, there is the fact that one apparition seems to have predicted -- strikingly -- the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
With all that's swirling around right now, it's time for a prophetic update, and that's what this new "special report" is about: various prophecies, but with a focus on a housewife from a small town in North Rhine-Westphalia and what else (it turns out, quite a bit) she has to say about the future.
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