By Michael H. Brown
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You hear about it with special force every decade or two -- that the time has come for an "antichrist" to rise on the global scene.
We all know this is a danger. The Bible tells of it, in various ways. And the concern erupts with special sinew during major crises like 9/11, or now the pandemic.
Control. Planetary government. A new world order.
Now what some call the "great reset."
no doubt a spirit is moving, one that seeks and has been seeking to "unite"
the powerful as well as hoi poloi of the world for decades. I put
unite in quotes because in the end, the intention is anything but unity!
But back to the point: In almost all walks of life in our time are trends aimed at globalism, control, and uniformity. (Uniformity can lead to uniforms -- whether military, as in a global military force, or as in prison uniforms, if you want to play on words and take matters to that dark extreme).
Allow me to explain more of this shortly -- my take on what seem like sensational scenarios. Perhaps -- hopefully -- the dust and clouds of the pandemic, the storm, is beginning to clear. And -- perhaps -- it's like the parting of a curtain, allowing us to see what we couldn't quite see before.
else is behind the "curtain"? What are we witnessing or will we witness? Could
it be that -- finally, after so many false alarms during the past
century, and really since the mid-1800s, a particularly powerful "personage of
evil," an anti-christ -- perhaps The Anti-Christ -- is well-nigh?
That's the subject of this "special report": prospects of an evil personage who will exert an influence that hasn't been seen in centuries, if not more, and may already be waiting offstage -- in the wings.
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