By Michael H. Brown
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(copyright; not to be reproduced)
It's the time of year when one tends toward topics such as spirits -- what, with Halloween followed almost immediately by All Saints and All Souls (the remembrance of deceased).
And in this vein -- as far as the deceased, and also often the demonic -- a question arises:
Why is it that "celebrities" -- those in the business of song, dance, television, or the big screen -- tend to have so many "ghost" stories, and not only that, but some of the most intense such accounts I have ever heard?
on their stories in a moment.
But back to the question: Is it a curse? Is it a grace? Is it their "charisma" (whether light or dark)? Does the aura of fame empower spirits -- or vice versa?
Perhaps the real question: Is the force behind celebrity an energy similar to that of spirit mediumship?
There are many "whys," but the bottom line is that if you take a look at them, you might be a bit shocked at the strong nature of such experiences alleged by those who -- coincidentally -- also touch the stone of stardom.
Action. Cameras.
(Oh, the magic.
But oh: the dark side!)
No question about that!
Let's take a look at it in this new "Special Report": celebrities and their accounts of hauntings, as we approach that time of the year when the veil seems to thin.
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